I wrote a sentence in my soul That later I forgot, I held your hand strong Only to –later– let it go, I’ve walked across continents To find myself thirsty, fatigued, and alone I smiled at my solitude though & it smiled back! And softly with a little frown It drew for me the Earth, The Moon, and the Sun Then it all, lastly, seemed to be worth Now me and my lonely shadow Hand in hand, merrily we go
“In solitude, where we are least alone.” ~a Lord Byron quote
ein Sommerwochenende a summer weekend un fin de semana de verano
Sonntag im Park Sunday at the Park Domingo en el Parque
visited the MOPA exhibition of Ansel Adams: A Life’s Work real prints, breathtaking! i knew of Ansel's talent but never seen before his real prints impressive! und
Freitag in der Soda Bar Friday at the Soda Bar Viernes en el Soda Bar
Soda Bar, dive bar and music scene very close to my house
went to see this band xyxs i met them! but didn't hear them play...
my friend Perro came along, with his new Icelandic cap
instead i saw these guys, BRAAIINS!! they were noise and not so good mostly bad, but it's i like the picture
another summery weekend of this zero nine as the shaved ice in mouth, has melted away in time
with what-it-seemed-my-eternal long hair as July 03, 2009 that's when i took these photos
and then i went all FUN and chopped it all off! yaaay! it felt great!! liberating, like a feminist burning a bra!
this affair of the long hair was sort of new for me anyway while living in Mexico city i never wore my hair longer than my shoulders and i had a couple of times with very short hair
while living in San Diego i have let my grown longer a couple of times my hair was even longer than on this photo a couple of months ago it almost reached my waist but since then i have cut it a couple of times
so here my hair, extended was about 15' = 38 cms. my hairdresser kept it and it's going to make a wig with it for cancer patients here so many bottles of shampoo so many brush strokes, pony tails, caresses, and pulls...
it's been 10 days since i've had this my new short summer hair and i love it!! i don't really care if i look better or worse but i just feel 'cleaner' i haven't regret to cut it off a single time
i didn't know what to do with the long hair anymore, anyway, at night specially, sometimes i feel i look a bit nerdy but after all i've always been more of a dorky girl with shorter hair than a long-haired diva somehow i do feel more myself with this shorter hair i feel fresh, lighter, and some air seems to filter through the scalp 'cause no headaches either lately, hmmm mmmm... interesting... & here more silly happy face
today has been a bit of a strange day the reminders of death linger in the air again
i feel that i've never been one afraid of dying i felt safe & secure while reaching the older age and even if i enjoy life, i never was fearful of leaving this world before, but now... and lately, so many deaths have happened all in this year, the fragility of life more than ever reveals to me so evident 2009 has been such a deathly year!
to list in chronological order, to match the title of the blog, my fish pet Kiyo, my father, only 17 days later after seeing him, my friend Tina's dad, my best friend's cat, who was my friend too, Boa, my friend Tina's dog Einstein who i used to dog-sit for, less related but shocking too Farrah Fawcett, whose fan i was when i was a very young teenager 'cause the Charlies Angels TV series which I grew up with and i washed my hair for at least 3 years with her shampoo and c'mon!!! even Michael Jackson dies!! i am not a Michael Jackson follower but his presence on the musical back of my life was there, as it was on mostly every body who ever heard his name, it made his name one of those things that you took for granted and i wrote in my Facebook acc (yes! i am a Facebook added now...) i do have a couple of favorite Michael Jackson songs
Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough a masterful piece of funk and disco my favorite Michael Jackson song! i still think that Off the Wall is his best album here a good review of the song and he's so lovely in the video he was a freaking good song writer! along the line of Don't Stop 'Til... i liked the starter of Thriller a lot the freakish paranoid lyrics too of Wanna Be Startin Somethin aren't so pop at all i can only imagine how hard must to be to sing this fast while dancing like that...
but anyway, i wasn't writing about MJ really but so with all these deaths around and after seeing a co-worker loosing her job today unexpectedly, just as Jacko Wacko died, the fear of dying climbs my spine cord and even if, of course, i am afraid of what happens on the after life, my fear is not so much of going, but of what i leave behind my fear is mostly driven 'cause of the 2 wonderful furry cats i take care of!! never before them i was afraid to die i was even a little cocky when it came to talk about death but now... i understand parenthood so much better! i am afraid of dying 'cause without me, i am not sure what would happen to the cats!
at 40, i am discovering feelings i never had before i feel for once the responsibility of having a creature depending on you, sure i grew up with my lovely dog Filka, a medium size poodle, lovely, fluffy, white... but being me a child, and an adolescent at the end of her life, well my mom took more care of her than myself and i did have cats before in Mexico who, sadly, i had to leave to move here, but i guess i was younger, bolder, and self-assured and a bit naive
i understand now fully how my mother always felt while i was growing up she used to tell me, that every night she prayed for not dying before i came out of school she was funny about it too she said she started asking God "please keep me alive at least until my daughter finishes elementary school..." later she modified the prayer: "God please keep me alive at least until my daughter finishes 'junior high' or 'secundaria' as we call it in Mexico, later on she kept on praying for not dying while i was a high-school or before i had at least a Bachelors' degree then she added to the list, as i grew older, to not die before i got married, or before i had a child
i think she gave up now on me getting married and having children, but sure every day she's around this earth i feel luckier to have her around even if so geographically apart dunno why, maybe 'cause there goes the fear again but today i loved and appreciated a little more every single person in my life... 'cause lately i've realized how easy could be for any of them or I to forget that little trick of breathing in and breathing out how easy this might be the last time we look at the skies!
so i am every day more grateful for being alive and to cure the little fears and scare away der old Angst a song by the Doves where i stole the title from
PS. and now i have to start writing a Kitty-Will, ha! and finding a guardian for the cats for when i die, i guess that's what responsible citizens do for the ones they love what a way to grow up thanks to a couple of alley cats ;)
i guess is a little late to promote last night's gig in Vancouver of Stone In but at least i can share the wonderful powered on psychedelia poster that mister Al aka Ground Control aka Beto who writes the Moloko Vellocet blog created here for his own band as said before i feel and not mistakenly, that Ground Control is the best graphic designer i've ever met and the best drummer too!!!
since i've met him back in Mexico city many years ago when we both worked for the Hard Rock Cafe Mexico designing t-shirts and other merchandising goodies i was amazed by his talent as a designer
i remember when we first met i felt threatened by his talent he was one of two graphic designers that my newer boss hired to sort of replace me! i hated the guy at first... and he was so nice and preppy looking too! but little did i know about him, hidden behind that innocent good-looking face was the true spirit of a hard rocker a Zappa fan to the bones, and really into good hard rock music
after hating him for a couple of days, i saw on his desk a copy of Soundgarden's Badmotorfinger wow! that is one of my favorite grunge albums of all times so i thought, well, he might get my job but at least he has good musical taste, little did i know again... we started chatting over Soundgarden, and next minute he told me about him being a drummer, his musical taste so similar to mine, and we talked over design and life and about his beautiful girlfriend, now wife, Gaby being an industrial designer like me, etc. and i knew a friendship would be coming next... regardless of annoying work threats...
we happily worked together for a couple of years! and i OWE him MANY of the design and photoshop tricks i know! i remember very well, he was the one who explained me about the Feather tool on the Selection on Photoshop, a tool I use most days since then
now he lives in Vancouver with his beautiful wife and works successfully as a graphic designer (the poster is just a sample of his work) and after alternating with bands over the years is working in his newestestestestest project Stone In! he's the drums and another guy the guitar visit the site for some sample of their (love the graphics of his site too! very suitable with their heavy trippy drippy music)
i am so thankful for having such talented friends!
"Kirkjufell, a giant mountain in the ocean just off the coast." words and photo by el mísmisimo Perro
my friend el Perro has been "trudging" across Iceland for the 2nd time!
his blog is full of beautiful & remote landscapes and cheerful anecdotes from that other side of the world! visit it for more: I speak Icelandic
Ps. I learn today the word "trudging" he left that word in his Out of the Office reply I never heard that word in English before I didn't find a literal translation for it in Spanish either the closest equivalent is: el caminar penosamente i guess something like walking laboriously...