"Kirkjufell, a giant mountain in the ocean just off the coast."
words and photo by el mísmisimo Perro
my friend el Perro has been "trudging"
across Iceland for the 2nd time!
his blog is full of beautiful & remote landscapes
and cheerful anecdotes from that other side
of the world! visit it for more:
I speak Icelandic
Ps. I learn today the word "trudging"
he left that word in his Out of the Office reply
I never heard that word in English before
I didn't find a literal translation for it in Spanish either
the closest equivalent is: el caminar penosamente
i guess something like walking laboriously...
i know what this mountain reminds me of!: the Devil's Tower National Monument that appeard on Close Encounter of the Third Kind! no wonder the place looks sort of creepy!
now listen to the tune!
gives me goose bumps, what a wonderful film, back when Spielberg was masterful! one of my favorite alien's films of all times!
"Walking laboriously" sounds about right. How about andar con triste? (That's "to walk with misery," right?)
ja ja ja Dr. Jay :D "andar con tristeza", sounds accurate too! i read a list of synonyms on the thesaurus for the word
i am always finding words in English that I don't know... i find many in Spanish that I don't know either, even if it's my native tongue and i am sort of "well-read" (or i'd like to think i am heh heh) but it's soo coool to discover a new one, huh? if ever have a question about Spanish words, let me know! yo lo puedo ayudar :D
hmmm "melancolicamente andar"?
CCotTK is a good movie. Just purchased recently in one of these masterized versions and enjoyed re watching it... very true, when Spielbergo (The Simpsons- Season6 episode121 A Star Is Burns) was doing still ok...
By the way http://www.stonein.net which has a temp design not done by be (yet)...
and also, my latest, the poster for tonight show: http://public.me.com/centurionbasso1
I'll let you know how it goes, it's our first gig :)
hola mister Ground Control
WOW!!! with the poster art, i LOVE it!! no wonder i think you are the best graphic designer i've ever met, great job! loved the Stone In God and his many arms, great psychedelic colors to go with the stone in rock!
loved the website too! all matches perfectly with your sound and the sampler: yummy! you guy really rock
i am sure you did great tonight! but truly expecting a inside review of the gig, hope you had a lot of fun on stage, please please por fis por fis, let me know how it went!
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