and after about 25 years of have listened to it i never really knew all the lyrics to it
english is my second language but rock music [properly and by definition written in English] is my first choice
and many times i have fallen in love with a song, without understanding all what the singer was singing, i could fall in love with a song just 'cause it 'freaking rocked'!! heck yes!
but tonight, after 25 years or so i realized, a-ha!! Web-reka!! this is what the internetsss are for! to look-up what the heck is john lennon babbling over some bucka bucka come-so come-so (???) [what i made of it!...] so indeed! i googled the lyrics to the song and yep! the words really meant nothing just something on a dream but then i googled more! and remembered this great site SongFacts [just wish the data base was bigger already and more to my favorite musical genders oriented] so here the ideas, i guess more than facts over #9Dream i bet John looks from the sky at us laughing at our attempts to decipher his stoned dreams, ha! what a crazy great lunatic man he was, admirable! just a lovely john lennon dream though his #9 dream, by the way... his dream has given me so many hours of pleasure! and... "Ah, böwakawa poussé, poussé" "Ah, böwakawa poussé, poussé" now... i endlich know...
i recommend you to get rid of your shoes! and sing along, and if you want and nobody is watching, you should dance too...