another semi-lost day
couldn't make it to work
{maddening symptoms}
and i say semi-lost
'cause the 2nd half of the day
felt slightly better
still headache and exhaustion
but was able to see
One Wonderful Sunday
post-II World War Kurosawa's film
a day-long relate on the life of two young
and very broke couple in Tokyo
a wonderful early white and white photography
and a lovely pair of young actors
and with the theme of the
Schubert's Unfinished Symphony
i felt like playing the piano again
please delight yourself
1' 30" is when the delight starts
maybe i will go buy myself a piano soon
maybe a used cheap small one
when i used to play piano as a kid
the 2nd piece i ever played 'live' in a recital
when i was 14, i think? was the theme
of this symphony, i guess that's why every time
i hear Schubert, i want to play one day again
serious old-fashioned classic piano
which the only kind of music i ever played
just Mozart, Chopin, and good old deaf Beethoven
the last piece i was studying before
industrial design university took over my life
was the Malageña of Lecuona
a classical for semi-advanced students
i didn't play it as well as this kid
and i still needed the music sheet
but oh well, surely these days i can barely
recognize printed music, but it would be
just so nice to do it again
OK it wasn't such a lost day after all
paranoia and worries come to my mind
for missing unexpectedly a day from work
but at least i watch a good film today
and got a distant dream recovered
and in a very different taste [mood]
but invariably when i fell victim
of a stupid migraine i remember
the adventures of the migraine boy