so today as 12:18pm (PST)
i am 40
aged... yet my mind-core essence
still feels the same as when i was 12
i still like mysteries, as i did back then
i basically feel the same girl
[only much older]
when i was a girl
i used to read Sherlock Holmes all the time,
now i read Barnes, and Murakami;
and life seems to have changed
yet are the books, and the fragrances of life,
somehow, still the same
friends have different faces
but feels warm to hug them, the same
lovely is to be alive at 40!
but as i told my mother yesterday
"i am not quite sure i will make it to 80,
then, i am today, starting the 2nd half
of this my lifetime"
'fresh'(?) from this morning my crow's-feet
and for 40 years now
i've been rather enjoying myself
sometimes in spite
of maladies, some aches of the hearth,
and nowadays sudden old-lady's pains
glad i made it this far
and thankful for another year of life
hope more to come
to watch clouds, and to feel the sun
and the rain, and
to see smiles, share stories with friends
and hug the loved ones
take pictures, write silly notes
and pet furry friends