Thursday, February 11, 2010


today at yoga we did a little Om exercise
we chanted 3 really loud Oms
followed by the 3 most delicate and quiet Oms we had

it was interesting how it was much easier
to almost 'scream' the Oms than to chant them
gently, kindly...
the whole class shared the same feeling

the chanting experiment reminded me of
a piece of lyrics from an old The Smitsh's song:
I Know It's over
i am not sure why, but a sentence from it
ot stuck in my head a long time ago,
'It takes guts to be gentle and kind'

maybe 'cause i used to listen that CD endlessly,
The Queen is Dead
and Morrissey's lyrics/singing
make each song an unforgettable piece
like on this one

It's so easy to laugh
It's so easy to hate
It takes strength to be gentle and kind
It's so easy to laugh
It's so easy to hate
It takes guts to be gentle and kind

a superb piece of some indie alternative rock philosophy?
sure a very Zen and enlightened sentence
full of an aloof dignity that conveys
one to feel at peace, no matter what
well, it does that for me

so, when i am mad sometimes
and i wanna scream, or 'renegade'
about life, complain to myself
on one of those sulky states
i sing to myself...

It's so easy to laugh
It's so easy to hate
It takes guts to be gentle and kind

and in my head, of course i hear Morrissey voice
not mine

and tonight was not the case
i was not angry, and not mad
on the contrary
but the chanting experiment reminded
of the strength that quietness requires
maybe, next time you are mad
you can sing it along too
and transform the rage into forgiveness
and the sadness into hope

the song is actually about a lost love
a desperate broken-heart song
but that's not the reason why i think of it
it's only the It takes guts to be gentle and kind
part, that got stuck
but when i repeat it

the Oms roll quieter, smoother, and kinder
like a wave done with her duty
and gently retrieving to el mar

unwinding this week, for a Holiday weekend
i get ready with
a small beer, a pillow, and good sweet nights