Friday, July 10, 2009

Obama on Mt Rushmore? Greenpeace Banner Calls for Global Warming Leadership

I truly appreciate the effort of our
Greenpeace activists!! it is inspiring to
watch this video makes you wanna leave it all
and GO save the world ;)

the last time I was this excited about Mt Rushmore
was when I watched for the 44th time (?)
Hitchcock's North by Northwest


Dr. Jay SW said...

That is cool...I actually worked for Greenpeace twenty years ago...though, alas, I never got to do much more than knock on doors...

Smorg said...

Hahaha. What will we do without cheeky activists with a cause, ay? :o) Is that them getting busted by a female park ranger at the end? Gosh, I hope they don't get too much trouble for that.

I've only visited Rushmore once in 1998. Would love to get back for another look one day, too. Thanks for another cool post, Berenice!

Happy weekend from the busy side of town! :o)

bereweber said...

hi Dr. Jay & mister Smorg
hope you are enjoying your Sunday Domingo :) yeah those guys are brave and yes they got arrested Smorg, but i guess they were expecting it, glad that they were able to hang it anyways ;)

Dr. Jay, yeah i know the feeling of being a 'passive' activists, i am a member of Greenpeace now too, but I do mostly 'online' stuff, buuu-huuu! heh heh, well, but we do better than nothing, huh? ;)

San Diego is warming up today mister Smorg, a taste of summer! enjoy! y gracias for your kind words