Thursday, February 14, 2008

is Valentine's day again / die Liebe

Oh that little thing called LOVE
in February 14 we celebrate the romantic kind of love
That one that brings us beautiful moments in the clouds
But sometimes followed by intense sorrow and disappointment

But such is life, and even more capricious than life
is romantic love
it sweeps you to the sky
and the drops you strong on the floor

Valentine's Day is an old old tradition
coming all the way from Europe from the Romans
and getting more popular during the Middle Ages
In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine
and then it became official
even Shakespeare mentioned it, by Ophelia in Hamlet
"Tomorrow is Saint Valentine's Day", she said
To her attemptive lunatic lover Hamlet
And now and since the roman times, lovers have been handing chocolates
And flowers to their beloved ones

But as usual I like the darker side of things
I have always find the date a little overwhelming
Borderlining ridiculous, maybe I am just a little "sour"
But I have always been like that…

For me the story that fits perfectly this day
Is the one of Charlie Brown with the little red-hair girl
Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown
Oh dear Charlie Brown with his collection of disappointments and failures
Always reminds us that tragedy can fun
Here a clip of one of my Favorite episodes
Poor Charlie, always hopeful, waiting for a card from the cute little red hair girl
Again, disappointed, yet… he got at least a used Valentine's

And here how Lucy deals with The Tortures of a Memory of a Lost Love
hilarious! and good to see I am not the only neurotic woman around here

So regardless of your love state
Regardless of Hamlet and Ophelia's non-existent love story
And the jealousy of Charlie Brown while seeing Snoopy dancing with the little red hair girl

I hope your sweetheart gives you a big kiss today!
or a little remainder of love...
and that you have a lovely Valentine's Day!

and the German phrase of the day:

"Schön ist eigentlich alles, was man mit Liebe betrachtet"
"Beautiful is everything, which is regarded with love"
-Christian Morgenstern