Saturday, October 06, 2007

Oktoberfest - the California version

as part of meinen Deutschstunde
ich gehe heute Abend zu Oktoberfest
the one in El Cajon, this little town
vecinity of San Diego

ich trinke Warstein Pilsener
i have this theory that if i drink
plenty of German beer
meine Deutsch will improve

but funny
'cause when i came home
i wanted another beer
and i had some Guinness Draught
those cans that have a little ball
to draft the beer nicely

so i assume Guinness improves my English
yet not my German
so i guess at the end of the day
and so much beer, i am back to
Hablar en Español

y sí despues de todo
es mejor
decir buenas noches
así, con en tu mano,
todo el corazón