i have that sensation of a kid, going back to school after an exciting summer...
i have cleaned my formal shoes and 'sharpened my new pencils' and i am ready to face the obligations of a working routine life
yet... the smells of this fascinating summer follow me around and now & then i dream of that place now so afar... and of you that made this summer so special, so nice!
nothing wrong with still letting your mind fly a little high
in early mornings day-dreaming is nice...
photographs with camera Sony α- DSRL A100 flight from Detroit, MI to San Diego, CA
Tonight I finally was able to exercise again After over 12 days of sickness And by now 7 days of antibiotics And an ear still hurting now & then I decided to stretch myself and take A yoga class Ah relaxing!
And I keep on thinking how Beethoven of me is to get deaf on one ear with an infection Before going to Deutschland... But today I was able to listen a bit again
So, now I come to one big inquiry! What music to select to survive 4.30 hrs And then 8hrs, trapped on an airplane Rather a crusade Since a bit claustrophobic I could get… Up to the point that I got prescription From the doctor, just in case
So, planes I love and flight But the small space and the people getting so close together If the plane would be almost empty Would be nicer, or if instead of people Were some dogs or cats… or My train of thought to select What’s is not people? Then? To listen to
Well dogs are not people Nor sheep, nor pigs Oh but Dogs, pigs, sheep Yeah animals! Pink floyd That was easy And the best option I could’ve ever think of! Since I think it might be my favorite Pink Floyd album Now I can fly in peace And so smiling wide Tonight I am Tired and sore And with an ear not a 100% OK But… but but, ah!
And also I found this original TV commercial For the “LP”
and this one too! and i won't be watching for pigs on the wing
while the minutes of my modest life pass by I think of my existence The things I do The decisions I make The thoughts my soul fights Are usually seen, felt, semi-digested lived, and sometimes just barely survived From the point view of A non specific gender being a simple human being, without sexual characteristics I don’t think of myself all the time as a woman… and of course even less a man! certainly not a dog, nor a cat or a plant... a general-breathing thing, and that's it
And not very sure why I feel that the point of being a woman in my case… is to be able to be one without being self-conscious about it
not often but when this little mental state comes about my feminine heart is a bliss! i go wow!!!, i am one of those... no wonder i go crazy now & then (smile) and then a woman, I am…
seems that this fact that has always been more evident to the rest of the world than for this self holder of the womanly problem
and also refreshing is to know that we all have or times of non-gender definition aside those times when the specific characteristics are involved
also it would be really helpful for my personal development if I could remember what the other 62 realizations apparently i had before this one were, and or at least what the heck they were about...
& here this woman’s favorite Tom Waits song... either forward all his silly jokes (i like them but...) or wait for the main performance 'cause it is superb! and rather different from the original version that i know...
another 24 minutes of my life in this blog is that right? or is that wrong? i don't think it matters after all (final & good night smile)
as the dusk washes away with its darkness the colors of these burning days a creature of non-sleep crawls slowly on my head, on my soul and places itself in the back of my neck
the creature is resilient now it’s been here for 2 nights with its 2 respective days
it talks to me in loud voices in my deaf right ear where the only thing that enters is the sound of his infernal count uno, dos, tres
the loud add-up is the total hours of this now seemly eternal night vigil…
the creature i have figured is envious of the little joy existing in my spirit since the days of summer glory come closer as steps on my pathway
the creature wants to eat my desires my wishes and leaves me every morning with an empty hollow feeling lifeless & while looking at my own reflection i sadly discover a colorless pale facade my own tired sleepless self
and to celebrate the mystic 07.07.07 date 7 'new' wonders of the world are to be announced today selected by voters online and not sure how one should feel about that the original 7 wonders still remain, but which ones go first? since there are ancient wonders then natural wonders and even modern world wonders! and yet a new list to be announced?
so many wonders! make one wonder what is truly wonderful?
anyway, if there's a stroke of luck flying around this date i hope you catch a bit of the good light for your soul for your life and have a wonderful 07.07.07
damn again! 3.30 am and i can't sleep this cough! i have slept probably just 1 hr since 11pm the ear infection is getting better but now this cough attacks won't let me sleep ah! so tired of being sick
i found a home-made recipe for cough syrup honey, thyme, and onions heated on mild warmth and to get to the natural remedies since i already used my inhaler enough times i cannot exceed 2 puffs every 4 hrs since it might cause rapid heart beat i am also an asthmatic person so the flow of oxygen to my lungs is not quite right
so 3.50 am by now but... it is definitively much better to seat here & write than to turn & twist on my bed while coughing my lungs out
usually cough is the last step of a harsh cold so hopefully this will be the end of this sickness tomorrow, well, in a couple of hours i have another doctor's appointment to check my ear, and well, now this damn cough
so here i seat chewing raw onions with honey and thyme & while i type and i dream of a good night sleep maybe another night, as it seems
the onion picture is from a while ago i was amazed that from an already-cut onion that i have stored for a while a new little onion was being born! such is the power of life
and also a picture of the "remedy" the herbs are thyme surprisingly, it doesn't taste bad or maybe i am just that desperate for a cure now...
oh sweet sleep won't come tonight or it comes but then another cough attack scares it away again
i got my bulky old digital camera in 2004 then i realized it had a movie mode these are some of my very 1st movies i found tonight from march 2005 1. the wave-length one from ocean beach, at the beginning is boring but if you watch it all, you have seen the length of time that takes a wave to splash close to my feet in Ocean Beach
2. more ocean beach, the dizzy way
3. this funny super-silly one, of how to make natural fat free plain peach yogurt, ha! i completely forgot about this one, the music is great! is my Bright and Bouncy Hi-Fi Dance Music vinyl record
i am not very creative lately but i had plenty of time on my hands a while ago as it seems
one of my preferred photographers abelardo morell, american born in Cuba his work has inspired me many years ago his work is remarkable! not to miss the link above all his work is rather interesting
this photo, in a little version wooden frame used to be by my bed now is by the bathroom's door it looks so familiar to me now! i see it many times per day...
a strange weekend, moody & hot throat sickness and black moods around so tired and hard to focus while feeling sick there are fire alarms all around southern california san diego is under a heat wave that increases the chance of wild fires not nice!
yet... a little light of a smile tonight i check my calendar, and... just another 14 days time where have you gone? where do you always hide? that we count you and never come out equal