Sunday, April 04, 2010

morning coffee stirred with a ray of sunshine

as i grow older
early mornings have become the favorite part of my days
the first traces of daylight delineate the plants outside my window
and the fragrance of the fresh ground coffee
bring a sense of warm freshness
and it wasn’t always like that
i don’t really think i ever paid too much attention before
or asked myself (in sort of a serious way) which was
the favorite part of my days

at first i thought i preferred mornings
because of a bit of addiction to the caffeine
she's been a regular in the mornings for a while now
it could be the routine of grinding boiling stirring straining
that unique taste, that distinguishing smell
then i thought it was ‘cause maladies of both
the soul and the body seem to feed on darkness
they all grow stronger at night
the fears, the pains
vanishing at the touch of the most gentle sunshine
also i thought it was the hope that a new beginning brings
and i guess, in any case
is a mixture of all these things
that makes appreciate the daily sun rising
and even if the dullest or most painful of the nights
occur now & then
the little hope of the morning to come
with its beams of light, its hopes, and cafés
has kept my heart warm every day

a recommendation then
to start your days
ah!! that Peet’s coffee
for the french press
the Major Dickason's blend

Peet's coffee, even if bought at a grocery store
is always fresh!
you open the bag and see and smell these oily, shinny,
full of body, perfect grains...
delicious! give it a try, if you don't find it in your city
you can order online

and a tip, get yourself a coffee grinder
you can find one for about $20, if you look or wait
for a sale you can get one as cheap $10

and it will last you for a long time
and get whole grain coffee
even if it's not Peet's
any good fresh oily bean will do
the taste is rather different from previously ground coffee
now to enjoy wonderful fresh roasted mornings
life's short, and millions, fame, and glory
hard to achieve
(and useless to my point of view, if there's no good cafe
nor sunshine...)
so rejoice on the little pleasures of life!
like a good cup of fresh café stirred with a ray of sunshine

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