Tuesday, June 16, 2009

a furry laptop

About a month ago I decided to buy myself a Dell Laptop
I got a top of the line Studio Dell green laptop
4GB on RAM, wireless card, webcam included
the whole top works...
The laptop delivery got delayed and it never arrived
Right before it was about to get shipped to me
I got my car into service and had to pay $500 for new brakes
Plus it needs new tires (which I still haven’t bought)
Also the dentist told me that apart from the $2,000 my dental insurance covers
I have to spend another $1,200 from my pocket to get my teeth
To a less painful place

Glad that the damn Laptop was being so slowly delivered by Dell
I got a chance to cancel it before it arrived

Yet… I still badly need a new computer and I’d like it to be a laptop
So yesterday I found a good deal at Costco where I could afford
A new Toshiba laptop for only $399!
Happily I sent e-mails to my laptop advisers and started planning to get
This less flashy but more affordable laptop

Yesterday too, I left Herr Gato at the vet for a follow up
On his skin problems, the poor guy is still itching a lot
And pulling his fur out

After the vet’s verdict on herr Gatos’ skin problem
we decided to follow a set of tests to find a solution
For his recurring skin problems, and also Gato got a
well deserved bath from the groomers, the final sum for herr Gato’s
Expenses came to a total of $389
And here goes my laptop again! with only $10 more
I could've bought a Toshiba new laptop

But as my mother always thought me
Live beings go first! so I'm finding comfort on the furry cat
I thought to myself, well, instead of a Toshiba or Dell laptop
I got myself (eventually) a furry laptop
Herr Gato doesn’t really jump on my lap, not just yet!
But he might one day… in the meantime...
Instead of getting more every day into the World Wide Web
‘cause of my lack of good computer at home
I will have more time to chase the cats around
I guess...

And still have to pay bills for frau Kitty!
Damn if these alley cats have been expensive
But it is all worth it when I see them peacefully
and safe snoring on top of my stuff at home
Poor little creatures! they’ve capture my heart
And my wallet as well…

herr Gato soundly asleep with a sunbeam for a blanket
he peacefully rests oblivious of the high costs of hardware and veterinary care

Ps. for Al aka Ground Control:
I know what you are thinking!
God is punishing me for trying to buy a laptop
and not a MacBook Pro instead
and you know? that just might be the case...


Smorg said...

I feel your pain, Bere. :o) I need a new laptop, too (this one is getting quite battered and won't even read CDs anymore). You've got your priorities straight, though! A purring cat is way more pleasant to hang around with than a finicky computer indeed.

Hope his fur gets better soon (and hope the tooth is being nice and quiet, too)!

Cheerio from the waterfront,
Smorg :o)

Geisslein said...

Hi Berenice,I just wanna thank you SO MUCH for your nice comment at my blog - you´ve made my day today!
Btw: This cat is SO BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE (!!!!) red cats!
Wish you a great day today - sunny greetings from germany, geisslein

bereweber said...

hi dear mister Smorg and Frau Geisslein, thank you for your kind words, it's good to know that in this world there's plenty of people who appreciate cats more than computers heh heh

dear Geisslein, thank you! you have a lovely peaceful blog and herr Gato here says MEOWWW to you, und vielen Dank on the compliments, he thinks you are a beautiful human too :D

Anonymous said...


nice nice

be good i trust you are well

alberto centurion basso said...

Hahahahaha!! Ahora si me hiciste reir! hahaha! The funniest part is that, yes, I was thinking exactly that as my reply to your post, so funny!
Don't go to the dark side, it is horrible! I do have to work everyday on a Dell desktop with Vista and this and that, and on top of that having to laugh politely to the rants and jokes on Mac's from my co-workers...
The other day the joke was on them because for the 2nd time a virus got in here and put their nerves on the edge -something that on my 17 years using macs I haven't witnessed nor suffered...
And they are so ugly... why use a casio watch when you can use a swatch?

Tiffany said...

Berenice, your cat is so cute!!! I love the pillow! ... I was just writing in my blog about how I want to spend less time on facebook, and now here I am commenting on your blog! LOL! ...

Your cat is ADORABLE!!!


bereweber said...

hola my dear friends SORRY it took me SOOO LONG to reply :( i've been busy and disconnected from the web a bit... we had a conference at work that kept me away from my computer but recording film so even if tiring, it was fun!

and as usual, i am always back! thank YOU so much for your comments that actually drive this silly blog

@TIFFANY! dear Tiffany, so glad you liked mister Gato Güero, he's quite a character! apart from being super-cute and all snugly with his collection of little pillows, he's a goofball too! he does the funniest things all the time, i've been photographing him with his pillows since i read your comment, so i can share with you alter ;)

@HUGH, thank you mister Hugh for your lovely comment, i am flattered whenever you comment here :) and very interesting on the PURRRRING, i sort of knew that they purr not only as a sign of happiness but also to calm their own pain... what i didn't know what about that research on sound and curative "vibes" literally! wish we humans could purr too ;) huh?

@GROUND CONTROL!! ha ha, well, i guess that means i know my friends, huh? & yeah, i know :( i should buy a Mac, but you know? these days apart from the graphic design, i work a lot with the web, i can totally handle Dreamweaver on a Mac, but also i do a bit of programming on Visual Basic, C# and other .NET environments, so i am stuck with Windows... SORRY!! yeah i feel slightly ashamed myself heh heh, but if i ever have more cash, i'd love to get my hands on a new Mac, btw, i still have my G3!! and works OK

warm salutes and hugs to all, and enjoy your Independence day!