Tuesday, May 27, 2008

never enough

it seems to be never enough time
specially when it comes to rest
or to walk, or to play

after a 3-day weekend
i feel like i didn't really rest
but i didn't really worked either

i sort of cleaned
and sort of rested
i planed to upload tons of recipes
and post hundreds of photos
that i have stored

yet, i did NONE
didn't post anything
barely read now & there
but... ah time... time
click clack clock...

but again, never enough time
although, i did stretch the old toes
and took a couple of sunny-sometimes
cold-grayish-other-times naps

and i cooked, oh yes, and ate...
and even if in quantity, healthy too for sure

and today i woke to another
apparently limitless issue in California
and all around this country...
or the world
the energetics crisis up to our heads
or our feet?

for the 1st time since living in San Diego
that is 2001
i payed over $4 per a gallon of gasoline

fresh from this gray Tuesday morning
at the pump
the cheapest gasoline the
Unleaded 87 Octane Regular
$4.099 per gallon

and luckily i have a gasoline-saving gas
a japanese brand, Toyota
with very high mileage per gallon
but still, i could see the numbers just
rolling on and on and on at the pump...

and that was just for 3/4 of the tank!

time to switch the wheel for the shoe!
and yet my shoes here complain a bit too...
i am a walker indeed
on the weekends
i try to run most errands by foot

but even if Hippocrates said
"Walking is man's best medicine"
some distances the feet just can't take
specially in Southern California
with a life style designed for having a car

oh the 'practicalities' of this!
our modern life

and yet, walk! walk! walk!

and underneath or below?
the Hippocrates' quotes
was hidden this one
by this author unknown by me before
Gretel Ehrlich

it read:
"Walking is also an ambulation of mind."

and oh, so to walk
this mind of mine feels so inclined
to ambulate, to pace always!
sometimes, low or, later fast


Georg said...

Bonjour Berenice,

Let me tell you first that I am glad to see you switched from Bere to Berenice.

As to the gasoline, it is 8.60 US Dollars per Gallon and 8.50 for Diesel. And this is certainly not the end of this climb.

When driving downhill, switch to neutral that saves a lot of gas.
(forbidden over here but that's what I am doing).

After your so friendly remark about my last blog post, I suggested in my answer to make a little excursion to Torrey Pines Glider Port, have a look.

And when you have the blues a little, read this:

Hast du Geld, dann hast Du nicht Käthen
hast du die Frau, dann fehln dir Moneten
hast du die Geisha, dann stört dich der Fächer:
bald fehlt uns der Wein, bald fehlt uns der Becher.

Etwas ist immer
Tröste dich

Jedes Glück hat einen kleinen Stich
Wir möchten so viel: Haben. Sein.
Und gelten.

Das einer alles hat ist selten.

Could be a bit difficult, but it rhymes. Käthen is just the name of a woman, moneten means money, dough, Stich means something is amiss.


Id it is said...

"What is this life but full of care
we have no time to stand and stare...

Georg said...

These two lines are from an English writer and poet W. H. Davies.

When passing an examination English I had to read his book "The Autobiography of a Super Tramp". One of the best books I have ever had the pleasure to read.

I'll try to find this poem, somewhere on the net.

Cheers to Berenice and to iditis.


Id it is said...

Good to see someone remember that poem though I'm not sure who the poet is.
Look forward to reading the entire poem!

bereweber said...

oh thank you both for sharing such great words, i feel humble under such wonderful comments

and thanks to georg who found the poem for us, mister id it is, here the complete version:

W. H. Davies
WHAT is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?—

No time to stand beneath the boughs,
And stare as long as sheep and cows:

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass:

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night:

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance:

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began?

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

and the link

courtesy of herr Georg as well

and please please keep on dropping by and leaving such great quotes and notes... and yes sometimes the gas prices make one melancholic and inclined to grayness-like write, but believe me, this your online friend here smiles a lot, as i eat my whole grains and fruits :) heh heh but specially when i check my e-mail or come here, and see such lovely comments!

gracias, señores
(i know you know that one)

bereweber said...

hola again dear Georg and dear ID IT IS (heh heh)

i am back here reading again the poem and celebrating a happy Friday, the last hours of a long working week... the promise of a sunny weekend and just wanted to say thanks again for leaving your nice words and recommendations here!

i love reading about books as much as i love books, so please anytime you want to recommend me anything to read, know that it will be welcome

mister id it is has a nice collection of reviews, i hope you get to visit it Georg! and again thanks to you Georg for all the titles and references you always leave around here! even if sometimes i am a little slow in replying, know that ALL is read and truly appreciated!

have a great weekend!

Georg said...

Hola Berenice,

Don't dare anymore to recommend books to others. Nowadays, I limit myself to saying what I like.

Fortunately, everybody has a taste and preferences, not necessarily shared with others.


Masanobu said...


I like the photo with your leg. I wonder how you took it. It seems the ground is moving circular.

- MT

bereweber said...

hola masanobu, i finally came back here, sorry for the tardy reply
i was missing writing here, but oh life sometimes

and thanks for your comment, well the picture of the leg... mmm, when i took the picture, the borders around came out a little blurry but the center, defined, but it was a mild effect, but i liked it, so i made it more obvious with Photoshop Filter, a Radial blur

glad to be back to write online here

can't wait to have time to check what you my friends all above have been writing lately

e-see you all again soon!