Wednesday, February 20, 2008

for kitchen accidents

das Erste-Hilfe-Mittel
First-Aid kit
Botiquín de Primeros Auxilios

the more you cook
the more chances of getting burned
this past weekend, a too hot casserole

the best home-made remedy
that i have used since my childhood
is my grandmother's, Mami Pera, recipe:
rinse with cold running water the burn
and then apply

das Eiweiß
egg white
la clara del huevo

it is nourishing... and refreshing!
also good for

der Kratzer
some scratches
pequeños rasguños

and to stop the bleeding from a

Messerschnitt mit Küchenmessern
cut with a kitchen knife
cortadas con cuchillo de cocina

the best is to
rinse the wound and cover with

gemahlener Kaffee
ground coffee
café molido


the thilo said...

Autsch! :(
Kaltes Wasser ist auch mein Tip!
Danach mit kaltem Naturjoghurt bedecken.
Gute Besserung auch für deinen Zahn!
Ach, Bere... :)

Georg said...

Hallo Dr. Bere,

It might be useful to ask your grandma what is to be done when there is no "gemahlener Kaffee" in the houshold?

Would instant coffee do the job, too?

Waiting for the answer, knife in hand.


bereweber said...

oh my dear herr Thilo
der Zahn ist besser, ah vielen dank
und ich glaube Naturjoghurt ist ein gut Hausmittel auch
and for beauty masks too
keeps the skin fresh
ah danke und hugs

and Georg

hope i am not too late with the response! and believe me, it works so you don't have to prove the theory right now, or do not try this at home, ha! save the test for the real accidents

i think instant coffee would work as well, however, but not sure if the coarseness of the grind has to do with the effectiveness of the cure... not but really, maybe instant coffee is too powdery and get in the wound... now i do sound like a real Doctor, huh?

anyway, when somebody drinks instant coffee, maybe they do deserve to suffer a little more, heh heh