Tuesday, May 10, 2011

art of photography show

thinking of submitting two or three old photos
to the Art of Photography Show in San Diego
i don't think i'll win, or maybe?
but it would be great fun to see one of my photos hanging
on an exhibition wall instead of just on a website for a change

thinking of these 2
one from this golden Ocean Beach sunset

and the San Diego Bay view from the Cabrillo Monument

and maybe some from Autlán

wish me luck! i have until May 17 to decide...
what do you think? do i have a chance?


D.I. Felipe González said...

¡Hola Bere!

Está padre tu serie de Autlan. Tambien me gustó mucho tu Ocean Beach Sunset, que padrote color dorado.

Ojalá y te toque ver alguna de tus fotos colgada de un muro en el museo, y no olvides que vas a tener derecho a esponajrte como guajolote.


bereweber said...

Hola Señor Felipe

¡Muchas gracias por tus comentarios! Las voy a subir y a ver que pasa ¿nó? ya te platicaré, a ver si si me puedo esponjar, ja ja

muchos saludos y un abrazo desde San Dieguito Lindo

Smorg said...

Hola Bere!

Great photos! I think you should go for it. Love the way you subtly contextualize your pics. :oD They each have a story of their own!

Ack. I didn't realize cats also like to stick their nose into poos! (They always seem so fanatically clean). Guess it's a good things they don't tend to kiss/lick you as much as dogs do, ay? :o)

Sending you and los gatos all the best from the South Bay (I'm heading out of town again Friday for another 11 days working trip. Eeek!).

endemoniado said...

todas las fotos bonitas y acuerdate que tienes muchos fans, y si no ganas, pues tambien van gogh no vendio nada, y ve ahora¡¡¡ claro que falta que te vuelvas un poco loca y te cortes una parte de tu cuerpo.......x ejemplo el cabello¡¡¡ jajaja, ojala si ganes algo y te den chamba en national ggeographic, explorando el mundo y si necesitas un ayudante , pues aqui estoy para apoyarte¡¡¡ saludos y mucha suerte¡¡¡

the thilo said...

Of course you have a chance!
Very nice photos Frau Bere!

Good luck! :)

bereweber said...

Herr Thilolito!! vielen Dank!

and Felipe, you both! so i entered a couple... i hope they hang them, i'll let you know if i become famous, i will mail you my autograph so you can sell it in eBay LOL! have a great weekend

thank you!

Eric Barclay said...

These are lovely - especially love the dog + old man + woman shot.

bereweber said...

thank you Eric!

Georg said...

Did you try it? The pics I like best are the blue one and the photo from Autlan showing the dog, the old man and the pink lady in the distance.

According to Smorgy the dog is a cat or is this cat a dog? And the poo, how does he knew?


vic said...

autlan reminds me about a chile curado and 100 pesos!!! XP