thinking of submitting two or three old photos
to the Art of Photography Show in San Diego
i don't think i'll win, or maybe?
but it would be great fun to see one of my photos hanging
on an exhibition wall instead of just on a website for a change
thinking of these 2
one from this golden Ocean Beach sunset
and the San Diego Bay view from the Cabrillo Monument
and maybe some from Autlán
wish me luck! i have until May 17 to decide...
what do you think? do i have a chance?
¡Hola Bere!
Está padre tu serie de Autlan. Tambien me gustó mucho tu Ocean Beach Sunset, que padrote color dorado.
Ojalá y te toque ver alguna de tus fotos colgada de un muro en el museo, y no olvides que vas a tener derecho a esponajrte como guajolote.
Hola Señor Felipe
¡Muchas gracias por tus comentarios! Las voy a subir y a ver que pasa ¿nó? ya te platicaré, a ver si si me puedo esponjar, ja ja
muchos saludos y un abrazo desde San Dieguito Lindo
Hola Bere!
Great photos! I think you should go for it. Love the way you subtly contextualize your pics. :oD They each have a story of their own!
Ack. I didn't realize cats also like to stick their nose into poos! (They always seem so fanatically clean). Guess it's a good things they don't tend to kiss/lick you as much as dogs do, ay? :o)
Sending you and los gatos all the best from the South Bay (I'm heading out of town again Friday for another 11 days working trip. Eeek!).
todas las fotos bonitas y acuerdate que tienes muchos fans, y si no ganas, pues tambien van gogh no vendio nada, y ve ahora¡¡¡ claro que falta que te vuelvas un poco loca y te cortes una parte de tu cuerpo.......x ejemplo el cabello¡¡¡ jajaja, ojala si ganes algo y te den chamba en national ggeographic, explorando el mundo y si necesitas un ayudante , pues aqui estoy para apoyarte¡¡¡ saludos y mucha suerte¡¡¡
Of course you have a chance!
Very nice photos Frau Bere!
Good luck! :)
Herr Thilolito!! vielen Dank!
and Felipe, you both! so i entered a couple... i hope they hang them, i'll let you know if i become famous, i will mail you my autograph so you can sell it in eBay LOL! have a great weekend
thank you!
These are lovely - especially love the dog + old man + woman shot.
thank you Eric!
Did you try it? The pics I like best are the blue one and the photo from Autlan showing the dog, the old man and the pink lady in the distance.
According to Smorgy the dog is a cat or is this cat a dog? And the poo, how does he knew?
autlan reminds me about a chile curado and 100 pesos!!! XP
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