Monday, March 21, 2011

paths upon which travel occurs (mine in this case)

Normal Heights sidewalk

Los Angeles Metro, subway system


Georg said...

Holà Berenice,

I am probably a bit dumb: what do you want to show? I just don't get it but I would like to understand.

What is a normal heights sidewalk?
What is special about this subway station??


bereweber said...

hi herr Georg thank you so much for your question, i was only being moody, and you are certainly not dumb ;)

Normal Heights is the name of my neighborhood and the subway has nothing special, but i was trying to show how in one day one can walk very different looking paths

these images for me are so contradictory, one is a sunny sidewalk with plants and pleasant to walk... the other one is underground, all man-made stuff, machinery, etc. yet both show a perspective path were one can easily walk...

so nothing too important, just i liked the way both photos show the same perspective point of view while being so different in context

hope it makes more sense now, huh?