–Henry David Thoreau
i came across this quote at my yoga studios' blog
it's accompanied by a wise comment by sujantra
(the founder of the studio)
he writes:
"So often our society sends us the the message that life has problems that only more complexity and machinery can solve. Oh, how wrong our society may be. To find out for yourself try living a little more simply and wisely and see how it feels… my bet is with Thoreau!"
and then i remember this another quote about simplicity that i keep in my refrigerator
i cut it from a tea box, and every time i feel i am making things 'complicated'
i go back and read it... from my fridge to your screen

and now try to keep it simple
it's hard but worth it
This reminds of that Keane number "Oh simple things where have you gone,
I'm getting old n I need something to rely on..."
Frau Bere,
i wish you a nice Valentine's day!
Big hug!!! :)
vielen Dank herr Thilolito
i hope you had nice love day too :)
Yes, simplicity, can't but agree with this. I am pursuing this idea all my life. But there are powerful forces out there that work towards the adverse direction.
Therefore I try never to vote for someone who is a lawyer or a civil servant. These people thrive on complications.
itis ur life
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