Thursday, February 03, 2011

Art Project by Google

i much rather see art live
nothing like the textures, the real colors
of a beloved painting
but since i doubt i'll make it any time soon
to the Museum Kampa in Prague Czech Republic

i find the Art Project by Google
quiet outstanding!
a little preview of how you navigate through the galleries
of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City

here's the The Cathedral, František Kupka from the Kampa

if you have a beloved piece of art, i'd recommend you to go
and search for it at the Art Project
and the sigh of relief and smile of happiness

also, have a terrific weekend full of colors and art


D.I. Felipe González said...

I'm not sure about this one, I've got mixed feelings. Google is making very poor panoramas (what could be expected from an automated rig). But they are making accesible an amazing catalog of museums.
As I do mostly panoramic pictures I even feel a little annoyed by Google (they will be shooting INAH content soon, I just read it this week).

Saludos Bere

Georg said...

Hola Berenice,

Yes, this is a great achievement. I did some roaming, too.

We are living in wonderful times through Saint Google. Three cheers for him and this idea.

Cheers to you, too

bereweber said...

hola Don Felipe! thank you for coming around... y si si, entiendo tu punto de vista, y lo frío que parece hacer todo automatizado, si los Googles fueran mas cálidos, contratarían despachos locales como el tuyo para hacer el trabajo y luego compilarlo en su projecto, ojalá se les ocurra hacer algo así... estuve dandome una vuelta por tu blog y me retorcí de la risa de las buenísimas fotos que tienes de los anuncios! pero como estoy en la chamba no pude dejar comentarios... pero al ratito desde la casa... que gusto estar en contacto otra vez, casi como andar por los pasillos del CIDI chacoteando :)

Herr Georg! I am glad you are excited about the project, and YES it's great to be able to access all those pieces of art and the museums

my friend Felipe who commented here, does something very similar in Mexico, his project is Recorridos Virtuales, something like Virtual Tours, he did an amazing one from one of my favorite museums in Mexico City, Frida Kahlo house and museum... as he was saying, these look somehow more personal and warm, yet Google has access to everywhere in the world! please take a look, it's breathtaking and heartwarming :)