Tuesday, September 30, 2008

migraine day

another semi-lost day
couldn't make it to work

{maddening symptoms}

and i say semi-lost
'cause the 2nd half of the day
felt slightly better
still headache and exhaustion
but was able to see

One Wonderful Sunday
post-II World War Kurosawa's film

a day-long relate on the life of two young
and very broke couple in Tokyo
a wonderful early white and white photography
and a lovely pair of young actors
and with the theme of the
Schubert's Unfinished Symphony
i felt like playing the piano again

please delight yourself
1' 30" is when the delight starts

maybe i will go buy myself a piano soon
maybe a used cheap small one
when i used to play piano as a kid
the 2nd piece i ever played 'live' in a recital
when i was 14, i think? was the theme
of this symphony, i guess that's why every time
i hear Schubert, i want to play one day again
serious old-fashioned classic piano
which the only kind of music i ever played
just Mozart, Chopin, and good old deaf Beethoven
the last piece i was studying before
industrial design university took over my life
was the Malageña of Lecuona
a classical for semi-advanced students
i didn't play it as well as this kid
and i still needed the music sheet
but oh well, surely these days i can barely
recognize printed music, but it would be
just so nice to do it again

OK it wasn't such a lost day after all
paranoia and worries come to my mind
for missing unexpectedly a day from work
but at least i watch a good film today
and got a distant dream recovered

and in a very different taste [mood]
but invariably when i fell victim
of a stupid migraine i remember
the adventures of the migraine boy


Georg said...

Bonjour Berenice,

Yes, do it, buy a piano and start playing some good and some not so good music.

It even might help to fight migraine. By the way, have a look at this link, always good to know something more about this subject.


Had a look at Migraine Boy mowing the lane. Very funny.

Animo, valor


bereweber said...

hola dear Georg

danke, as always it's refreshing to read your comments and salutes!

on the migraines, yes! that link is scary and sadly i get migraines very often, mine are very hormonal, so about every month i get a huge migraine that leaves me disable for at least 1 day... i've trying to modify my diet and homeopathic treatments, but so far i still get them... i've been reading a lot about migraines and it seems like a horrible nightmare for us migraine sufferers :(

but yes! i think stress is a big factor so stomping some piano-forte keys might help huh? i'll let you know if i get my little piano soon! looking forward

and yes! the poor migraine boy and his crude sense of humor, i indeed believe we migraneurs develop an 'acid' sense of humor

hope you are healthy and fine dear Georg and so your wife, and both of you are enjoying the lovely center of the world in your little village in France :)

Georg said...

Here I am once more. It seems we are both admirers of Kurozawa. The one you mention is unfortunately unknown to me.

Personally, the movie I like best is the one - I have forgotten the name - where a civil servant has only six month's to live and how he tries to make the most of it.

I know it is not fashionable to say so but those old b/w movies could have a second youth if they were colored.


bereweber said...

and good to see you around here again Georg

and yeah! i think the Kurosawa's film you are talking about is Ikiru... oh what a wonderful film, one of my favorites of him too!

here is the trailer


i am glad you are a Kurosawa fan too, his movies are so inspirational, it is strange for me how his films being 'very traditional Japanese looking' convey feelings that one can relate too, regardless of nationality or time... and yes! i do love the black and white photography of these old films but some color never hurt

also, are you familiar with his more modern film "Dreams" if you like color, you'll love this film! also the last "Dream" or late of the movie called "Village of the Water Mills", I think you could find very interesting, talks about technology and progress and even politics, but overall about how we humans live on this planet, very related to your latest post, don't forget Dreams
and oh well, i found on youtube that dream, of course would be nicer on your bigger screen, but here in the meantime, hope you can read the subtitles (or understand Japanese for that matter ;))

and part 2


Tschüss! dear Georg