Wednesday, December 06, 2006


i haven't knitt in at least 15 years
but this weekend, out of the blue,
i started again!
i found some yarn in a box and the needles
and just started making this scarf above
i started this on saturday and it might be done tonight
i was surprised that i still remember well enough

for a year i knitted a lot, i made a couple of sweaters,
2 dog's sweaters, and many many (many) scarves, those are easy & fast
some gloves, but those with no fingers, just one big bag for the 4 fingers
and a couple of socks, those were popular too
not sure why i enjoyed it... maybe the weaver in me?
it is a very mechanical yet relaxing activity, perfect while watching movies on the television

image: to decompress from computer-time at work, more computer at home, miss the colors at work...


the thilo said...

Very nice!
You can do such beautiful things... :)

bereweber said...

Danke schön! herr Thilo :)