Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Schnitzel life

A poem from Noah Erdenling (Google Translation):

I sense that I must die soon
the chain already on my foot.
The man simply determines
when he wants to take my life.
My life was filled with sorrow and pain,
I wasn't even allowed to be outside and free.
My babies have been brutally beaten to the ground,
the screams were unbearable.
I was never allowed to see the sunshine,
and to walk on green grass.
The whole time I lie here on my own feces and mess,
just so I miserably die for your "Schnitzel"[meat].

Noah V Erdenling
Ich spüre, dass ich gleich sterben muss
die Kette schon an meinem Fuss.
Der Mensch einfach bestimmt,
wann er mir das Leben nimmt.
Mein Leben war erfüllt von Schmerz und Pein,
nicht einmal dürfte ich in Freiheit sein.
Mein Baby hat man brutal auf den Boden erschlagen,
die Schreie waren nicht zu ertragen.
Niemals durfte ich die Sonne seh´n
und auf grüne Wiesen geh´n.
Die ganze Zeit lag ich hier im Dreck,
nur damit ich für euer Schnitzel elendig verreck´.


Unknown said...

Yes, Berenice, that's horrible. Fortunately, we are only half responsible because Nature is working like this. Nature here and the whole Universe further away. Eat and be eaten.

So it is here and so it is in outer space where big black holes swallow up tiny shiny stars.

Don't let it go too much into your head as to become a fanatic about this abomination. Like one of my friends who suddenly morphed into a full-time enemy of electricity generating wind mills.


bereweber said...

halo Herr Georg! don't know why I didn't see your comment before... I understand what you mean with nature, yet! We breed and raise these poor animals horribly! Before, it wasn't like that, I think is horrible that humanity is doing this, specially, when eating soooo much meat as we do, is killing us...

and do not worry, I am a vegan, but a healthy one, I eat plenty munch munch, since my conversion to veganism, I feel so much more energized and healthy! No allergies, no headaches, no colds, no sickness, so I think it works!

and no, I won't become that crazy, just compassionate towards animals and towards the environment, this meat-production is killing our planet too! Take a look: