Tuesday, December 07, 2010

arbolito de Navidad, the little Christmas tree

my same old little Christmas tree
has been up for a couple of days now
Frau Kitty enjoys the Christmas spirit

and i found a Herr Gato's ornament!

but sadly, Herr Gato doesn't seem to be touched
by the kindness of Christmas
he killed yet another mouse...
somethings never change {ah sigh...}

i hope you enjoy a little Christmas too!
hanging a little ornament or two
is always a good thing
and don't follow psychokiller Gato's example!


the thilo said...

Oh Frau Bere,

how nice!!!
I remember these days 3 years ago... :)
It was very nice with you at the Weihnachtsmarkt!

Let's repeat it! :)

The Thilo

Διάττων said...

Yes, we are getting closer in very nice days such as Christmas and New Year's Eve. About animals, oh they live in their own world (my male cat keeps on coming in my little balcony)... You have my wishes dear Berenice, as always...

bereweber said...

ahhh Herr Thilolito
yeah!! those were such nice peaceful days, drinking plenty of Eierspunsch mit deinen ;) now you have to come to Kalifornien for a non-Weiss Weihnacht, it's so warm today here, feels like Summer heh heh
hugs back to you!

dear Diatton, thank you so much for your lovely wishes, i hope you are warm and happy with all your lovely music selection, do keep that balcon Cat of yours well feed and happy, you have earned a feline companion for life, huh? thank your for the nice notes!