Sunday, December 14, 2008

emergency: breakfast

a late cold Sunday morning
a breakfast idea request!

[my head's recalling that cold pint of New Castle
at the Ould Sod yesterday]

any ideas?
what do you usually eat on Sunday mornings?
or days off?

looking forward your appreciated information

disclaimer: all data collected will benefit
'the hungry stomach in need, assoc.'
a non-profit run by me


Unknown said...

One of my favorite for weekend brunch is definitely sunny side up egg. The yellow york has to be runny for me. I don't have any particular thing I often eat but I like oatmeal, Traditional Japanese breakfast(Miso soup, white rice, grilled fish and Natto) or plain yogurt for breakfast. I hope you get to eat what you like this cold Sunday.

Rex Venom said...

Left over pizza from the night before. With or without a side order of Hubba Hubba Hubba!
That is what Sunday mornings after a beer nite are all about.
Rock on!

Anonymous said...

i seem to make this more often than not on sunday mornings.
pancakes. as one side is cooking crack an egg or two onto the top, sprinkle with diced ham, flip the cake normally (air bubbles on the sides)cook for a few more minutes and whammo all in one yumminess

bereweber said...

@Lisa, dear R, i really like sunny side up eggs too with the running yolk indeed! in Mexico we call those "huevos estrellados" like smashed eggs, and the yolk is always running, eggs are definitively a breakfast food, thanks dear Lisa, and thanks for the teas you gave me, i tried the Kenya black and it's very tasty :)

@Rex, oh it's really hard for me to have any 'left-over' pizza, i munch it all usually the night before, heh heh ;) but hey!! i like the Hubba-Hubba side!! and yes!! in Mexico we know that the best cure of a hangover (or 'cruda' as we call it) is one delicious cold beer ;) thanks Rex, i will try the next beer night

&mister hed3d, ahhh pancakes!! yes, a combo of Lisa's running eggs with some of your ham pancakes sounds exactly like what i needed last night, i never thought of mixing the ham with the 1/2 cooked pancake, that's a neat tradition mister herd!! will definitively try it... Also i've made pancakes with whole-wheat flour and i usually add shredded apples to the dough or some berries, they come out fluffy and delicious try them sometime!

as for me i ended up having yesterday a bowl of soup, i will post the recipe and a picture next! Lisa, it was a soup i made with japanese noodles, those green tea flavored noodles, came out really good and healthy enough for my 'head' problems (as i have many of them)

thanks for sharing your recipes and advices ;) hope you don't get too many late beer nights this season, or if you do, i wish you a warm good breakfast to re-animate you ;) heh heh

happy cold Monday!