Saturday, July 26, 2008

grand canyon gaze

exchanging glances
busy humans
crossing endlessly
our busy daily paths
quick looks, peeks
and untouched souls
going inside blind

but the little trunk
of fine surprises of life
yields now & then
a heaven of peace
a soulful unexpected deep stare
torn from straight from nature
to the center of one’s heart

the grand canyon in arizona
settled peace and beauty
in this old heart of mine

and if i ever grow again
fearful, always those dark nights
i will hold close to my memory
this his magnificent glance


Georg said...

Splendid photo, Berenice and a great comment though a little melancholic.
But that might be normal at the end of a holiday.

That's one of my hopes to be able to walk in on of those National Parks you have over there.



alberto centurion basso said...

Oh sister, where are thou?

bereweber said...

hola dear Georg, queridísimo Beto

am here am here! finally coming back from an almost 3 week vacation, photographing a lot and just living the life, visited the Grand Canyon and got the opportunity to visit around Southern California, so hoping to share many more photos with you!

good to know you two are still reading ;)

ahh! warm saludos! and great weekend, enjoy the last minutes of 08/08/08