Sunday, May 27, 2007

lomo me (2)

playing with
heh heh
& some wine...
ah & photoshop channels, too...


Anonymous said...

Nice, Bere.

the thilo said...

Yes, a very nice foto!
Beautiful bere! :)

alberto centurion basso said...

Great red
with-hairdo aura!

alberto centurion basso said...

and another thing (not sure if it's good or bad, ha!) in the cropped ones you look a lot like salma...

bereweber said...

oh thank you!
heh heh the wine & the lomo are good visual combo then :) i got a lucky day photo ha ha, & the lomo effects hides the many imperfections
ah beto the hair-do is natural mess do, it is incontrollable sometimes
& on the salma, you just had to say that one, huh? for good or bad too, yes i am doing my audition for Betty La Fea II :) ha ha ha