as life goes on
i learn to accept some parts of myself
i didn't like before
sometimes, when i feel not very "perfect"
on the vanity department
i remember i am thankful for being a complete being
for having all my body parts
some looking better some showing the age
& the law of gravity being strictly obeyed...
and this curl on the back of my head
i have seen it since i was age 5 or as long
as i can remember
in my days of ironing my hair to make it straight
(yeah i was a fashion victim once)
i used to hate the curl on those days
my hair was straight, sleek! but if i pull it up
the damn curl was there...
as to scream to the world:
"this woman, has NO straight hair,
she's just a fake!..."
now these days i could care less for doing much to my hair
i appreciate its wildness and rebel impositions
and i mostly tie it up on a ponny tail
I've fight the curl with gels, and other pasty remedies
but invariably, after a couple of hours...
or sometimes minutes,
of either heat, or sweat, or cold, or anyway
the damn curls comes back again
tonight, i finally came to peace with it
when i saw my own reflection at the gym
among many mirrors i barely recognize myself!
some women were wearing the same generic gray as me
but among all the mirrors i saw my curl
and i recognize myself
oh i like it so much now
probably, now... it will fade
such is life, such is faith...
I like your hair, curl. I like your Mexican parts. I think our beauty is our uniqueness. You are beautiful Mexican curly hair girl. :-)
oh gracias lisa
i like your new shorter hair too!
you look very sophisticated :) heh heh and still very japanese, yeah! i forget the important thing is not how you look, but that you look like yourself, and each of us is unique, so why compare oneself to the standars of beauty of the rest of the world... this one went for the self esteem left, he he he...
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