Wednesday, August 30, 2006


my knee still hurts
mostly when i walk

last night had a yoga class
seems to work
and ice afterwards
but this morning

morning adventures
while making café
and saw on chat
a man from another world

my phone rang
8.10 am, huh?
i didn't get to it soon enough
the knee, i walk slow...

then the numbers calling

i feel like i am every day getting closer
to the twilight zone

and in one knee

sonic youth's the empty page the song

sometimes... is the ride work better with or without a song?
every day
is of a different color

like your beautiful fotografías


Anonymous said...

You don't have to be so sad.
The world dies a day at a time. Just like ourselves.
And nothing from ourselves remains.
So you don't have to be so sad.

Loneliness is a resort.
A weapon of choice. So sweet and addictive a drug (and so dangerous too).
So if you stay quiet enough, and keep silent along, and listen carefully too, you might as well listen the earth giving birth to a tree.
Silencio, se escucha como nunca pálido el pulso del mundo, la tierra va a dar a luz un árbol.
Life doesn't care for our troubles and regrets.
So you don't have to be so sad.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be so sad.
The world dies a day at a time. Just like ourselves.
And nothing from ourselves remains.
So you don't have to be so sad.

Loneliness is a resort.
A weapon of choice. So sweet and addictive a drug (and so dangerous too).
So if you stay quiet enough, and keep silent along, and listen carefully too, you might as well listen the earth giving birth to a tree.
Silencio, se escucha como nunca pálido el pulso del mundo, la tierra va a dar a luz un árbol.
Life doesn't care for our troubles and regrets.