Friday, April 07, 2006

die pakete!

mmm... paquetitos! (drooling ala homer style...)

a jaime jaime from spain i met him (have never met in person)
many many many
many years ago posting stuff on the web of our favorite band of all times sonic youth si señor!
me mando fotos y postales, sus gloriosas y experimentales fotos
muchos eme pes y tres entre los cuales
y luego tenemos a...
o what a lovely girl the ex of my friend perro, a lovely tall gorgeous blue-eyed girl from seattle chips in a box, she knows i can't find the dill pickle ones in san diego anymore and that i really like them so she sent them o well well!

<> o and from other lovely adorable friends. life pays back anyway with paquetitos o heck yes!

gracias jaime! y thank you andrea

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