Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Sad blog, but España, Spain!

No blog posts since forever!
Too bad!
I hope to return to blogging for 2020.
In the meantime, I went to Spain in October!
Puerta del Sol, Madrid

Plaza Mayor, Madrid

Santa María del Mar, Barcelona

Montjuic, Barcelona

Friday, May 10, 2019

GOT ultraviolence

So I am watching Game of Thrones too
The Battle of the Bastards...
and then the violence, ultra violence
heart races and beats...

and yes the story is excellent, the acting,
the writing, the production, the scenes...

but we are highly entertained with ultra violence
and this is what humanity watches every day
how it sieves into our lives?
the madness the stress the blood
the feelings the revenge the darkness
the primitive darkness

oh light come back in
let me hope again breath!