Monday, October 31, 2016

Friday, October 28, 2016

Dr Neal Barnard, listen to a vegan doctor

Why Vegan Doctors Are Suing The Government
This interview with plant based doctor Neal Barnard
(President of the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine)
was shot at the VegSource healthy lifestyle expo:

Monday, October 17, 2016

We lost Steve today

A dear dear Dj friend Steve McGuigan/Dj McGuyver
left us today.
I am thankful for having met him and be his friend.
He had a superb taste in music, just classy
just good, just great.
We will always miss you & will never forget you
RIP my friend!
Remembering you tonight with this Tom Waits record you gave me.
Tom Waits – Small Change
Tom Waits - Small Change

Steve and Kim
Steve, Lizard, Bill

10 years

I have been writing this blog for 10 years!
10 years.
I, I, I, I need to keep on writing here.
My first post:
12 and in a night-train
Hope there is not a last one,
for a while.

Stairway to cat heaven

From top to bottom:
Herr Gato, Frau Kitty, my neighbor's cat Max.