Thursday, April 26, 2012

Karina y Mariano

Karina is one of my best friends from my adolescence
We lived so many things together!
This past weekend I finally saw her again after 15 years or so
and she came with company!
her adorable son Mariano, who kept on singing, dancing,
and sharing the joy of being a healthy boy!
I loved spending time with them!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Herr Gato

my beloved cat Herr Gato is having dental surgery today
this is a full anesthesia procedure
I am a little nervous but hopeful that all will come out OK
I am picking him up from the vet later today
Please say a little cat prayer for him...

here he is on his favorite lounger scratcher
he broke it, but he still loves it
he's such a fun cat to be around!
always doing clownish things
always chasing his sister Frau Kitty
always meowing for food, pets, and be let out
always such a sweet guy

Saturday, April 14, 2012


4/14 yes 43!
celebrated my birthday today
a lovely peaceful lazy day
latte and breakfast burrito in the morning
many wonderful phone calls, family & friends
a twisty moody weather day, but pretty
at the end...
the sun showed for a little through fluffy clouds
to say hello, so the day was complete
fine fine and thankful to make it to this day
can't wait for many more to come

i am just saying... [smile smile]

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Frau Kitty and The Squirrel

as posted on Facebook today:
"Frau Kitty and the Squirrel, that squirrel comes to the tree outside every morning, she's teasing the cats, I only hope they don't go out and chase her one day... — with Frau Kitty in San Diego, California."

Monday, April 02, 2012

Bill Cunningham New York

i watched this documentary on Friday night
Bill Cunningham New York

Saturday morning i was out taking photos again!
really inspiring!
what a story!

if you like:
New York City
interesting people
or just cool stuff and life
do watch!