Sunday, March 23, 2008

brothers Quay

amazing stop-motion animation
by the Quay brothers
identical twins that create these
rather interesting animation pieces

they are poetic, they are dark
they are non-sense but make all the sense
at the same time
dunkel, beautiful, like a deep strange dream

here the dark, sehr sehr dunkel
"Stille Nacht I: Dramolet"

[and to think it's just an old doll,
some magnets and powdered metal...]

and another little sample

if you come across their dark art
do not miss them!

and thanks to mister atom
for introducing me to the Quay brothers
i have a DVD with
The Brothers Quay Collection:
Ten Astonishing Short Films 1984-1993 (1984)
creatures to crawl into my
mexican-californian mind
and then not so sunny will be this Sunday


Georg said...

Hallo Bere,

I listened to both because your blog is splendidly interesting.

Degustibus non est disputandum, hope you excuse but I don't like.

But don't let this stop you to show other musical items from YouTube. It's really amazing, one finds everything there.


bereweber said...

hola Georg

I am glad you didn't like them! and I am not being ironic nor sarcastic :) mostly I am glad you sincerely gave me your opinion!

and I think these pieces more than for hear were to watch, but still I understand the Quay Brother have a rather obscure taste, not for every palate and also these piece might have not aged that well...

again, glad you found them not great 'cause I find them a little "disturbing" myself, but a great sample of animation too!

Guten Tag dear Georg und danke!