Wednesday, March 26, 2014

portrait of a woman as a working woman

OK, the title intended to be a paraphrase or
'portrait of an artist as a young man'
didn't quite work, but here
people think I am just seated and being lazy at
my job all day, images prove different!
8.30am me versus 5.30pm me!
8.30 me
smile, make-up, lip-stick, good hair, nice scarf &
5.30 me
angry, tired, faded make-up, bad hair, sweaty scarf
It's been a long day!


the thilo said...

Hihihi. LOL
You've made my day!

Unknown said...

Holà Beatrice,

After having chased everybody out of
your way, what happens next??

On the first photo you show us a little smile and on the second one you tried to imitate a stern look.
But the first shows through the second.

Well made.


bereweber said...

hi Herr Thilo & Herr Georg

glad you laughed a little...

Herr George is Berenice, not Beatrice LOL!

after work, I go home, feed the cats, clean, cook, get tired, sometimes walk, there are LONG days you know? ;)