Tuesday, March 27, 2012

tea Tee té

this is a close close up
of one of my favorite teas
the Copper Knot Hongcha Black Tea
from Teavana.com
a bit pricey but worth it

Copper Knot Hongcha Black Tea

my little Tea corner at work

"The heaven of modern humanity is indeed shattered in the Cyclopean struggle for wealth and power. The world is groping in the shadow of egotism and vulgarity. Knowledge is bought through a bad conscience, benevolence practiced for the sake of utility. The East and the West, like two dragons tossed in a sea of ferment, in vain strive to regain the jewel of life. We need a Niuka again to repair the grand devastation; we await the great Avatar. Meanwhile, let us have a sip of tea. The afternoon glow is brightening the bamboos, the fountains are bubbling with delight, the soughing of the pines is heard in our kettle. Let us dream of evanescence, and linger in the beautiful foolishness of things." ~The Book of Tea by Kakuzo Okakura


the thilo said...

I miss you Frau Bere!

More often...

bereweber said...

aww Herr Thilo, i miss you too!
come on out and visit me!! in California the sun is (almost) always shinning! Los Gatos and me wait for you!

Damaris GVC said...

I'll try the Copper Knot Hongcha Black Tea.

Abrazo con cariño Bere :D

Georg said...

Bonjour Berenice,

This tea looks a bit scary, reminds me of dried worms or so. Thus my question: how does it taste? Can you dscribe the taste??

The Tea Corner looks gorgeous! You are a woman of taste and culture. Splendidly assembled.


bereweber said...

hallo Herr Georg, great to hear from you! thank you for the compliments, i will drink and toast a tea on your name today, here at the Tea Corner... and yes! the worms tea is actually pretty good! those are curled tea leaves, great selection!

Prost and warm salutes from California!