Wednesday, September 30, 2009

i am an Earth Rooster

so my Chinese Horoscope says that i am an
Jan 22, 1909 to Feb 9, 1910
Feb 17, 1969 to Feb 5, 1970

some of the descriptions seem accurate
some others not so much...

Rooster is often seen as the original strong silent type, not unlike the Humphrey Bogart and Greto Garbo prototypes. Most people consider them quite eccentric. Sad to say, relationships with other people are often strained. They are quite moody and can be too outspoken. They are often self-centered, but can be quite brave when the situation calls for it. On the other hand, Rooster People are quite talented and capable. They are always devoted to their work and have a reputation for being the hardest of workers. Rooster People are deep thinkers and are pioneers in spirit. They can experience the greatest of joy in complete solitude. Even though often alone, they rarely experience loneliness. Instead, they enjoy their own company and feel solitude helps them in their quest after knowledge.

Shark-tail Soup and fortune cookies are among the keys to good health.
(probably this is the most accurate part, i do like soup not sure shark-tails though & i love eating/reading fortune cookies, and sure!! i am a loner too, i love being around people, but i usually retrieve by myself at the end of the day, and i do need a fairly amount of time by myself or i start feeling too stressed and tired i must rest from people at least a couple of hours a day, whenever i have had a couple living with me [it lasted only few months] or a roommate, or while growing up with my mom, i can't wait for them to leave the house, so i can truly rest)

The Earth Rooster epitomizes the very essence of one of Robert Browning's most popular poems, "Grow old along with me; the best is yet to be." Despite early adversity and rough times, their philosophical bent has led them to expect and therefore to achieve the good life. They have a very analytical way of looking at problems and they can pierce the most daunting of tasks with utmost efficiency. With saint-like patience, they are consistent in everything they do and always answer to their own counsel, which hasn't failed them yet. As a result, their careers are forever anchored in smooth sailing, and as life passes, they will know peace, abundance, and complete fulfillment. The same goes for their love life. There are difficulties at the very beginning but as time goes by, they understand each other perfectly, and receive "the best" love has to offer.
Famous Rooster people: Suharto, Deborah Kerr, Peter Ustinov, D. H. Lawrence, John Glenn, Emperor Akihito, Yoko Ono, Eudora Welty, Bette Midler


Georg said...

Hi Berenice,

First I looked into my dictionary, nothing. Then into Google translater = coq de terre. But my wife does not know that animal.

Anyway, Berenice, stick to your own kind. What about consulting a Maya or Aztec h. or even one specifically suited to the US Americans, Calif-dwellers. If it doesn't exist, make one and earn a lot dough in no time.

As to shark-tail soup, I humbly advice to stop eating it. What about switching to leek soup with potatoes? Good for health and you avoid having on your conscience sharks being thrown alive back into the sea but without their fins.

In case you want to know what to do and what not, next to Chinese astrology is the I ching. Great fun, try it.


bereweber said...

hola herr Georg, what a fun comment!
hey, there's not such a thing as a Earth Rooster, the thing is that the Chinese astrology mixes a variety of animals, like Roosters, Rat, Ox, Tiger, etc. and assign it to a year in the calendar, but then they relate those animals to the Five Elements, Earth, Wind, & Fire (like the band heh heh) and Metal, and Water, therefore the combination like Earth Rooster, or Water Rat, etc.

here in the Wikipedia you can read more about it

as for the shark-tail soup, not to worry herr Georg, i like it but it's a delicatessen expensive and hard to find, but the leek & potato soup indeed sound very yummy, actually soups are some of my favorite dishes, i like almost any kind of soup, i don't like "dry" dishes that much

and your idea of a Californian horoscope sounds very interesting, as California has plenty of 'strange' inhabitants, i guess like me ;)

Alles Gut! herr Georg