a point-and-shot
Canon Powershot SD1100 IS
i had an older point-and-shot
Canon Powershot A310
my little companion for many
thousands of photos, many trips
and many friends and family
this past week
and because the lens of my alpha
is not working
i have been using the old little canon again
this past week i took a couple of photos with it
like this one from today, today's parking lot

and how little did i know when i took this picture!
just today around 5 pm (17 Uhr)
that would be one of the last photos i would be able
to take with it
but things happened
today when i came home with the new camera
i tried to take a picture of the new camera
(the battery charging) with the old camera
and like an omen or a curse
in that moment the old camera broke!
the image just went strange, very strange
on the lens as you can see below
it still takes pictures, but they look like this

the whole situation felt as it was not possible
to take a photo of a part of a canon powershot
with another canon powershot
i just think is an extremely weird coincidence that one camera broke
just a couple of minutes before the new one was battery charged
and ready to go...
i have phases in my life when a lot of coincidences happen
i remember 2005 being a year full of strange happenings
then it stopped for a while
but today's coincidence is just the second one
of these past days: in a sort of unusual way
i came across a person that have lived in this
same apartment, details will follow soon...
but yes, it was also strange
oh well
hope tomorrow to go out for a couple of testing pix
happy to have a new little camera
but sad that the older one had to break...
i am so sentimentally attached to it...
i will still keep it, maybe the canon-fairy
who broke it, might fix it back as well
ehem, ehem... did you read that little fairy?
schönes Wochenende
have a lovely weekend
que tengas un bonito fin de semana
Hallo Bere,
You seem to be addicted to Canon Powershot. Me too.
I have a S3IS (my second one) and love it, especially as it is one of the few cameras equipped with this mobile screen.
Looking forward to your photos.
well, Georg, not sure if addicted but this is my second one too, so i guess, yes! i have become one...
to get this SD1100 i researched online for a couple of days and visited a couple of stores... i was very very tempted to get a Panasonic Lumix 'cause they have LEICA lenses! also 'cause it was black and very cute :)
but after all i have had this little Canon already and the Menus are so similar... and i need to be trained with the camera by next weekend! for the music festival... also after all i am in US and Canon being American cameras can get easily support and insurance here
so far i like the little camera alright! is smaller than my hand! a little bigger than the palm of my hand and has a wide angle feature :) and the movies quality is pretty decent
also George i found your camera here
what i like is that seems more solid than mine, slightly bigger cameras give you good natural stabilization, i feel, and i have seen your pictures with the tour bike, very nice!
glad you have fun with your Canon too!
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