Monday, February 04, 2008

focus rain

guess just winter
and windy rains on
early february days

thru my car window
a stop light
i try to focus on the rain

the rain remains unfocused

keine Bildschärfe

these weekend
rain rain rain
some more rain

unusual in san diego
unusual these days

dunno why
the rain?
the fish?
the teeth?

the wind
the rain
the mood of these days

cannot find myself
comfy, on my own skin

cannot wait to wear again
my pijamas of non-stress
and selflessness

a nap in the meantime
is that time of the night


Georg said...

Valor mujer, spring is round the corner.

Meanwhile, cheers

bereweber said...

hola Georg, danke!
i like the "Valor mujer" :)
thanks for your nice words, and i have to catch up with my reading of posts, i've been just posting a little but not time for reading around... but i will have some free days after recovering from teeth surgery, so looking forward reading some of your posts, in the meantime just surviving-posting here, but yeah this morning things seem *warmer*
danke! for your always nice words Georg!

Georg said...

Hallo Bere,

Best wishes for the tooth (teeth) extraction.

Hope you have the force to read this. Please tell me, is "valor, mujer" good Spanish or not??

I had a friend in Brussels who was teaching Spanish at the ULB University there and she always said "no, no, no". I read this, years ago, in a book from Arthur Koestler relating his experiences in the Spanish Civil War 36-39. Those men condemned to death by a firing squad got each one a clap on the shoulder from the prison ward when leaving the cell and the word "valor hombre".

So you tell me.


bereweber said...

hola Georg

how are you doing? i am glad to inform that my teeth are gone! just 2 and now i look like a chipmunk and cannot eat much but i am recovering, thanks for the nice words

on the good Spanish... well, I am not a Spanish teacher but indeed Spanish is my mother-language! and believe I did understand your "Valor Mujer" phrase, it literally translate into "Courage, woman" so i have to idea what could be wrong with just a 2 phrase word... it sounds perfectly understandable to me! now... I am from Mexico and maybe in other countries like Spain the phrase is not as understandable, but to my eyes, sounds great! short, and to the point

and Valor, Hombre, i say now, i think your Spanish phrase was OK and did work for me wonderfully!

hope all this ranting made sense

and ah! interesting book Georg, hope i can come across it...

Georg said...

Hallo Bere,

Thanks for your comments and explaining.

The book from Arthur Koestler I mentioned is "The Spanish Testament".

There is a long article about it in Wikipedia.

As to the Spanish phrase "valor Hombre", my teacher friend always said the right words should be "animo, hombre". Finally it became a joke between us, she was stubborn but not stupid.

Hope you are now on the way to recover from the dental ordeal.


bereweber said...

hallo Georg
ha! so funny, of course i never thought your friend would be stupid, but rather a perfectionist, you know? and yes! the "ánimo" works as much as the valor... i bet you guys have a lot of wording jokes, i cannot wait to really learn German so we can exchange more!

and thanks for asking on the teeth, today was a slow day, i was recovering but then a set-back... I don't feel that great, and i guess i just need lots of patience, huh? and some ánimo y valor también

gracias Georg and hope you had a nice weekend

going to look for the book on Wikipedia, sounds interesting... and now i am reading Walter Moers, rather funny and distracting...

take care!