Saturday, February 16, 2008


my sound-soulful accumulations
my petit musical
plastic agglomeration

i roughly counted

i own about
- 600 cds (originals)
- 200 vinyl records
mostly LPs
but some 45's too

when i moved to USA
i left my about
- 70 tapes
in México

an advocate of the recording
industry am i
but mostly
a soulful aficionado
of the notes
the tempos
and the silences
that rhapsody-me
from netherworlds
to utopia
faster than an instant

cassandra wilson's sankofa
a sample among what i have
if not this, then what?

hören Sie bitte
please listen
escuche Usted por favor


Georg said...

Hallo Bere,

I liked very much your text. A king-size maxi-long Haiku.

Next step try to make it rhyme!

Soul: no


bereweber said...

hallo Georg
thanks for your comment
oh flattering that you called my writing a Haiku

oh the next time i am "inspired" will try the same format and now with the riming in mind...

and Soul: no

danke Georg, your comments are always interesting and encouraging!

i am glad we came across each other's blogs!