Tuesday, December 11, 2007

trouble with the Police

after a long day with
.-much stress and much work
.-many meetings
.-feeling sick all day
.-a 2.30 hr Deutsch class from 7.05pm until 9.30pm
.-being for 12 hours out of my house
.-a pain on my neck that i have for almost 2 weeks now

i start driving back from Mesa college...
still inside the school
a Police car stopped me for speeding!
on a 15 MPH zone i was driving 25 MPH

when you think a day can't go worse
it does

so... too much for me tonight
my only relief by now is to write & cry

so i do that now:
like in the old times
cure the misery by writing
and crying... until it stops

write and cry
write and cry
write and cry

(this is not working)
let's see auf Deutsch

ich schreibe und weine
ich schreibe und weine
ich schreibe und weine
ich schreibe und weine
ich schreibe und weine
ich schreibe und weine
ich schreibe und weine
ich schreibe und weine

Nein! arbeitet nicht
vielleicht auf Spanisch

escribiendo y llorando
escribiendo y llorando
escribiendo y llorando
escribiendo y llorando
escribiendo y llorando
escribiendo y llorando
escribiendo y llorando
escribiendo y llorando

mucho mejor... ah!
y además ya nadie checa este blog
ni en inglés ni español
so why bother huh?

much better in Spanish
and after all nobody reads here
in English nor Deutsch anymore


empiezo mi diario otra vez en Español
tal vez es lo mejor

was just a strange day
seems a stranger night
still in English though
a soundly...

desperation is the English way after all
didn't say that Pink Floyd?


alberto centurion basso said...

Oh! Si se lee tu blog Bere bere! Aparte, no chille y agarre piedras, eh!
Pero cierto, el dia no acaba hasta que acaba, como el baseball. Pero tambien como hay malos, tambien hay buenos asi que no se achicopale ni se ponga chipil -notese el lexico 100% mexican, as per your request. Uste, chingona, eh!

bereweber said...

ha ha ha betiur
ahora si me hiciste reír
y pues de las piedras que agarré, pues veo que una te cayó, ha ha
gracias betiur!! viejos amigos siempre al rescate... y si pos' no mas decía, ayer andaba de la fregada, y pues después de todo a veces le hago a eso del dramonononon!! creo que se me pego algo de las Telenovelas del canal 2 :) ha ! y a veces me sale la hormona re-te disparada... pero hoy, como usted dice, pues ya mucho mejor!!!

betiur! que haces para la Navidad? viene tu familia de México? van ustedes para allá?

espero todo bien y me imagino mucho frío por allá... no?

gracias betiur y un abrazo!

Frau Feli said...

Heee! But I am reading in Deutsch, and in english, checking so often for your lovely words! I'm sorry for not having noticed this entry earlier, but I've got so much work to do..I understand so very well! Your poor one! I recently made mistakes at work and I always feel sooo bad and lie awake and what _I should have done to avoid them. Awful..But soon there will be holidays and Weihnachten and Geschenke und der Duft von Zimt und Tannengrün und Du kannst Dich in Deinen Sessel kuscheln und mit einem schönen Buch Deine freie Zeit geniessen!! Alles Liebe und halt die Ohren steif, Liebe! Deine Feli

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bere. Oh, sorry for what had happened to you in school. Pinche Police. I thought you are done with school this quarter but I guess not, huh. I finished all the finals and I am done with school if I pass classes. Good luck for school!!

bereweber said...

hola my dear Freundinnen Lisa und Frau Feli

thank you for your lovely words of support!!

yeah! i feel much better now... sorry i couldn't reply before! i had a looong stressful weekend again!, my Mother arrived from Mexico on Saturday and had to cross the border to pick her up... and today, hey! i was doing my Final for the Deutschstunde!!! wish me luck, i am going to need it! I turn in the test tomorrow and i know the results on Tuesday, hooray!

i love that you both wrote her, thank you!!! oh Feli und danke for the words in Deutsch

and dear Lisa, i cannot believe you are over with school!! of course you are going get great grades, congratulations on all your effort

have a good week ahead both of you!

love you Bere

Georg said...

Hallo Bere,

Weinen und schreiben passt nicht zusammen, das gibt nur Flecken und Verwischungen. Dann lieber so:

Wer nie sein Brot mit Tränen aß,
wer nie die kummervollen Nächte
auf seinem Bette weinend saß.
der kennt euch nicht, ihr
himmlischen Mächte.

Ist schon besser, wenn auch nicht von mir.

Cheers to you from a freezing spot to a sunny plot.


bereweber said...

hi Georg
danke for such great words!

my German is not yet very good, so I had to use the dictionary to understand, I wonder where is that quote from as you mentioned is not yours.

and I briefly saw your blog, superbly written, and the themes you touch, I will become your reader for sure

I am glad you come across these silly words of mine, so now I can read your interesting posts!

and attached with the comment is a little ray of San Diego sunshine and a Californian smile for your freezing French spot


Georg said...

Guten Tag Bere,

Well, thanks for those flattering remarks.

I don't know why but I imagined you are teacher of German not learner. Otherwise the poem would have stayed here. It is from Goethe who lived nearly 200 year ago.

I just hope trying to understand what it is about did not make you weep again.

You may ask yourself how I did find your blog. In your "ABOUT" specifications you mentioned Jean-Pierre Jeunet, the chap who produced the movie "Amélie".

Your blog is on my bookmarks, too, so we'll meet again.

Cheers and tinkety-tonk