Thursday, October 12, 2006

yes, panic attack and pizza

and a beer (new castle so it was good while it lasted)
and frustration
and i feel like a quirky old woman
and i am one!
and neurotic!
and every day seems harder
to socialize with live people
or with people

and people think i am nice
and i am simple
and i just wish many days
many nights
that i could disappear from my own existence

i had 2 cats once
but i changed countries
i had a dog once but she died

i had 2 beta fishes, same luck
now i am allergic to most pets
and to most company
as tonight has been felt

i just can't stop thinking of that
conversation with alex & lisa...

if humans (me included) could be less self-centered
and more educated, not educated as much as in "knowledge"
but in the kind of knowledge that teachs you how to be respectul
and tolerant, that kind of education

so as i resumed on the drunk conversation
the biggest problems of humanity:
ignorance and too much self-importance

some nights like tonight
i wish i could live alone in the woods
no escaping

stressed? no!
just freaking pure human crazy frustration
a diary of a miss-communication
or too much writing?
i wish i could get rid of this feeling
not sure where it came from...


alberto centurion basso said...

some guy used to sing that 'people are strange', but to me most people are posers as you mentioned... everybody lives with an 'i am the ruler' aoura that's really boring to me... humbleness is reflection of wisdom, respect, knowledge and intelligence...

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bere. I hope you could get rid of these feelings. I sometimes think something like that. I was thinking what I was doing in school. School is like work. You share stuff with people but they are not really my friends, who just need help from me. Why do people ask me stuff like "May I copy this and that?". Am I used or what? It is pretty sad human relationship. Are we just using and used by people? It is funny how people are friendly to each other in school but they never hang out outside of school. We want so many things and try to get what we want in very selfish way but one thing we shouldn't forget is that nothing exist only for one person. What we want are made by someone or what we want are supposed to be shared. I think this world are kept by balance like eco system. ah... I can't organize my thought but I hope you get what I wanted to say, and I am sure you do. :-) Hope that people care others and see themselves standing on the earth with other people, other stuff. Love