Friday, June 19, 2015

chili frank vegan

A vegan diet is so delicious!
All you can eat, I can eat a vegan.
Tonight, vegan chili frank with fries
from the fantastic Loving Hut
Eat complete fantastic food
without killing anybody and
without polluting our planet.
vegan chili frank (veggie hot dog, chili beans & cashew cheese)

dog and baby chicks

Can you believe that in some countries like China,
they eat dogs like this adorable guy?
Can you believe that in your country
they eat the chickens too?
Can you believe that in your country
they suffocate alive billions of baby chicks
like these so people can eat eggs?

All animals are friends, not food!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Animal Agriculture and Our Planet

Intensive  Animal Agriculture uses more water
than any other activity and is one of the leading
sources of greenhouse emissions.
We can all heal the planet and ourselves.
As easy as becoming a vegan.

Graphic and content from Truth or Drought 
" World-renowned nutrition scientist and creator of the glycemic index Dr. David Jenkins in The Globe and Mail on why he advocates shifting to a plant-based vegan diet: "Human health must be linked to planetary health, and how we feed ourselves has a major impact on the planet...Our children and future generations will be horrified that collectively we paid no attention to these issues."
Are you paying attention yet?:

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Truth or Drought

I have been collaborating with the founder of
Truth or Drought, today another graphic designer
created this meme, regarding Jerry Brown's comment
on the state of the California drought.
Times are changing!
read the entire post